Malting barley growers are being encouraged to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions – helping to future-proof their businesses and lower their environmental impact. It follows a collaboration between Simpsons Malt and BASF. The companies are working with grower groups this winter and spring to record how they can reduce... Read more
The annual competition to find the UK’s Soil Farmer of the Year is open for entries. Run by the Farm Carbon Toolkit and Innovation for Agriculture, the accolade champions farmers who lead the way in improving soil health and increasing the resilience of their farm business. The competition has... Read more
Farmers looking for a profitable crop on flood-prone soils could do worse than considering miscanthus, say researchers. The energy crop thrives where other crops would be unprofitable or high risk – and it stabilises soil too, suggests a study undertaken by the Institute of Biological Environmental and Rural Sciences... Read more
Protected urea fertiliser is ‘game-changer’ for farmers
ArableLAMMASpring Crop Management 21/12/2023
More fertiliser manufacturers are launching urea products to meet forthcoming restrictions on ammonia emissions. The so-called Option 4 rules mean growers spreading urea fertilisers beyond 1 April 2024 must apply products coated with urease inhibitors to reduce ammonia emissions. Developed by BASF, new product Starbur has a patented coating... Read more
Switching fertiliser types to ensure soil micronutrient requirements are met this spring could offer growers multiple benefits, say suppliers. Maximising inputs is understandably a high priority for growers. But prescription nutrition – optimising productivity by ensuring fertiliser usage is as efficient as possible – has become increasingly important. “Making... Read more
Growers are being urged to check farm-saved spring barley seed for diseases such as loose smut and seed-borne net blotch. With winter cereal drilling only around 70-75% complete before autumn storms put a stop to further drilling for many growers across the UK, a larger-than-expected spring crop is now... Read more
Unpredictable weather changes emphasis for maize this spring
ArableSpring Crop Management 21/12/2023
Drilling maize by soil temperature rather than calendar date is increasingly important in light of increasingly variable weather conditions during spring. With potential yield loss from uneven emergence as high as 40% and poor seedbed conditions at drilling being a further challenge, growers need to take extra care with... Read more
More farmers are expected to grow spring oats as they seek to loosen up rotations and limit the build-up of disease. Oats for human consumption will continue to be grown predominantly in Scotland, say seed breeders. But growers much further south are realising the potential of the crop too... Read more